· ☕ 1 min read
Asciiquarium This application is a wonderful terminal aquarium! How cool is that! The application is a Perl script that shows fish and other items like sea monsters scrolling across the screen. Go to the github page cmatsuoka/asciiquarium. Install And Run Containerized This is my preferred method. It’s just so easy! Of course you’ll need podman or docker to be installed. 1 2 3 4 5 # podman podman run -it --rm danielkraic/asciiquarium # docker docker run -it --rm danielkraic/asciiquarium Debian & Ubuntu sudo apt install libcurses-perl cpan agree to the defaults and type out quit to leave sudo cpan Term::Animation Download asciiquarium with git clone https://github.

Using C With Lua
· ☕ 1 min read
Using Lua In C Programming This guide is a work in progress. I’m writing my notes as I work on using lua in my projects. Helpful Resources Online resources: Exposing C functions to lua

C Programming
· ☕ 2 min read
C Programming These notes are my working document to C programming. It includes basic concepts and documentation on items of interest to me. Style This nice embedded C coding standard. It really helps to use tools such as clangformat to help with automatic formatting. Libraries Vs Executables They are essentially the same thing. However a library is meant to be run by another program and a exectuable runs on its own.

Cmake Guide
· ☕ 2 min read
Cmake Guide Why Do We Need Cmake? A build system to help manage dependencies, how to compile the project and other items are the job of a project build system. However, the C programming language is designed to work on nearly any hardware. So, the job of setting up the custom project dependencies and compiling options has usually been on a per project basis. Thanks to cmake we can have sanity amidst the chaos!

My Journey Into Stenography
· ☕ 11 min read
Let me share my empowering journey of how I discovered and embraced stenography. I have been using steno for all my interactions with a computer for nearly a year. Exclusive use starting January 1st, 2022. Who says new years resolutions can’t work? I use steno for all my work as an embedded systems engineer and anything else I do at a computer. Once you find the true power of stenography offers compared to

Neovim Plugin plover-tapey-tape.nvim
· ☕ 1 min read
This is a plugin for neovim to help view the the steno “paper tape” log from the Plover plugin plover tapey tape. See the on GitHub for more details and install information. More updates coming soon…..

My Stenography Setup
· ☕ 1 min read
Keyboard ZSA Moonlander Firmware Last layout via ORYX QMK firmware Mouse I don’t let rodents live on my desk! Desk VIVO manual convertible standing desk. I use this desk standing 99% of the time. Stenoing while standing feels great! Keyboard Positioning I use an upside down laptop mount to hold my steno keyboard. There are many such mounts available, the one I have is this: here

Why I Use Neovim
· ☕ 1 min read
Neovim is a powerful and extensible text editor that is free and open source (Apache 2.0) Neovim is lighting fast as there is no GUI overhead Neovim is cross platform

Vieb - The Best Vim Based Browser?
· ☕ 1 min read
Vieb is a web browser with vim bindings such as j and k to move up and down. Unlike plugins for popular browsers, this feature is built in by design. In case you’re wondering how to pronounce the word Vieb let me share the tip from the main website: Vieb is pronounced like “deep” with a “v” and rhymes with sheep Here is a screenshot of the method used to “click” on a link, press f to enter

Setting Up a Blog With Hugo
· ☕ 2 min read
Setting Up A Blog With Hugo This site uses hugo and setup was easy. Following the hugo quick-start was very straight forward and simple. Install Install prerequisites: go git hugo minimum version of 0.74.x for the terminal theme 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 # Check version latest version now is: hugo v0.101.0+extended linux/amd64 hugo version # Create new site, NOTE: this command creates a new directory hugo new site DereksBlogSource # Add a theme cd DereksBlogSource && git init git submodule add -f https://github.